Koto no Besso/Villa in Kyoto


  • While we have done everything possible to ensure the accuracy of the information posted on this website, it may contain errors or information that causes misunderstandings.
    We ask that users viewing this website and using it to gather information assume the risk of determining whether information on the website is compatible with their demands; determining whether they have the legal right to save, copy or otherwise voluntarily use the information; and fulfilling obligations pursuant to laws and regulations regarding copyrights, maintenance of confidentiality, defamation of character, maintenance of quality, exporting and other laws and ordinances.
    In addition, users will not attempt to assign any responsibility whatsoever for any trouble, loss, damages or the like with regard to the use of this website.
  • The drawings posted on this website are all rough sketches; there may be differences between them and the current state of the facilities they depict.
    In addition, factors such as the timing and methods used to take the photographs of the outsides and insides of facilities, views and other photographs posted on the website may cause the images to differ from reality.
  • The various conditions regarding the rooms posted on the website were current as of the day of the latest website update.
    Time differences and other factors surrounding the day of the latest website update can result in differences between the information posted on the website and information in advertising media we distribute.
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